Felix Klieser and Nicholas McCarthy become ambassadors of the OHMI Trust

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Felix Klieser photo


The OHMI Trust's objective is to remove the barriers to music-making faced by the physically disabled. The primary obstacle is a lack of suitable instruments. 

Traditional instruments are unplayable for most physically disabled people, as they require two fully functioning hands and arms. Hundreds of thousands of people with disabilities in the UK, and millions across the world, are excluded from music-making. 


Nicholas McCarthy photo



We are delighted to welcome German horn player Felix Klieser, and British pianist Nicholas McCarthy as OHMI Trust Ambassadors. Both musicians have demonstrated extraordinary musicianship, skill and determination to become professional musicians despite their disabilities. The standard of their playing demonstrates that music-making possibilities can be limitless, given the right support. Felix and Nicholas will promote the charity's work to their audiences. In turn, OHMI will use the great example they set to highlight the need for more music-making opportunities for the disabled. 



Felix Klieser photo


Felix is an exceptional talent. Becoming one of the finest horn players in the world at only 22 years old is impressive enough, but mastering the instrument despite having no arms is truly extraordinary. After studying at the University of Music and Theatre in Hanover, Germany, Felix has worked as a guest with the Berlin Philharmonic and performed with Sting on his world tour. 



Nicholas McCarthy photo  



Nicholas made history by being the only one-handed pianist to graduate from the Royal College of Music. No other one-handed pianist has played a Left Hand concerto since the Wittgenstein Prom in 1951. He is also a member of the British Paraorchestra, performing at the Olympics closing ceremony in 2013. Nicholas has been announced as a new television presenter for the world famous BBC PROMS. 




The OHMI Trust was established in 2011 to tackle the absence of suitable instruments available to the disabled. Our primary objective is to provide opportunities for the disabled to play music, especially with others, as part of an orchestra, band or ensemble. 

To address the absence of suitable instruments, the trust has set up an international competition. Through this competition, OHMI are working to create new instruments that can provide full and undifferentiated participation in musical life. 

Our success will have a profound impact not just on individuals, but on society's relationship with disability. 

For images and more information, contact Sarah Lafford sarah(at)ohmi.org.uk 

The OHMI Trust 


The OHMI Trust 
c/o Tyndallwoods 
29 Woodbourne Road 
B17 8BY 
0121 243 3021 


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